Mindfulness is the act of being here now, or focusing your attention on what you are doing and your surroundings; your mind is not in the past nor is it in the future … the key to being mindful is to stay present with mindfulness exercises. Being in the moment is rare these days.
Mindfulness isn’t difficult, we just need to remember to do it. My daily focus is to appreciate the present moment more and more.
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The Fear We Don’t Talk About: Why Connection Scares Us More Than Rejection
A Fear of Connection
For years, I believed I was someone who feared rejection. My patterns seemed to confirm it: I would push people away as soon as things started to get serious, retreating into a space where I felt safe, alone, and in control. On the surface, it made sense—rejection hurts, and it’s easier to reject someone first than to risk the pain of being left behind. But something about that narrative never felt entirely right.
It wasn’t until I heard a simple phrase on a podcast that everything clicked: “I don’t have a fear of rejection; I have a fear of connection.” Those words hit me like a lightning bolt. Suddenly, years of behavior, emotions, and fears made sense in a way they hadn’t before. The truth wasn’t that I feared being rejected by others—it was that I feared letting them in. And that fear, I realized, was rooted in the deepest wound of my life: my primal wound, the mother wound.
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